Your grace is enough for me
I can not live without your grace (2)
I can not live without your grace
All the water letters as a single letter
In front of your people who stop (2)
Even if they are earthquakes
Even if it is a big storm (2)
May your grace endure
Will they perish (2) || Your grace ||
In advance of world production
Form and call me (2)
Stabilize your calling
Your grace strengthens (2)
Your grace is this ministry
Bless me (2) || Your grace |
Man of GOD K. Shyam Kishore, hails from a family of believers but he did not know Jesus personally. He is a qualified Engineer from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, AP. INDIA.
Dreams of making good money for a luxurious living, lured him to London. He started off to ” Make hay while the Sun shines”. A very comfortable lifestyle and great expectations made him apply for the Resident Visa. When he was on the verge of receiving his Permanent Resident Visa, God came knocking at his Heart’s door. Driven by the pleasures of the world, he ignored the calling.
But God made his presence felt loud and clear. All excuses were to no avail when a harsh reality touched him. The zealous commitment of yonder years to be used in the Lord’s service were reminded by the Lord. ” I will serve you for the rest of my life ” echoed in his mind which brought him to the shores of India again. He left his riches and submitted himself completely to his true God.
JCNM- Bro K Shyam Kishore man of God Bro K Shyam Kishore id founder of JCNM.Bro K Shyam KishoresJCNM is anointed servant of God. jcnm shyam kishore family from Rajamundry jcnm shyam kishore songs ar good to listen jcnm shyam kishore will do prayer fro sick people jcnm shyam kishore messages are very much power ful jcnm shyam kishore testimony you can get jcnm shyam kishore songs are download.
Want to own the country
Every knee must bend - want the kingdom of Christ
Hallelujah O Hallelujah - 4
The flag of victory must fly - this country must own
Every knee must bend - want the kingdom of Christ
Every nation and every nation must confess that Christ is Lord
Every tribe, every tribe - must kneel before Christ the Lord
I must see with these eyes - the kingdom of Christ ......
The flag of victory must fly - this country must own
Every knee must bend - want the kingdom of Christ
Hallelujah O Hallelujah - 4
Jesus Loves India - Jesus Saves India
Jesus Heals
sthutula meeda.mp4,
Young Holy Team
Opinions of people on Dr. John wesly ministries, India. God is moving powerfully in these days through this ministry. Join us to change the world. may God bless India.
Praise The LORD i am not attended there but when i am seeing this video i understand how my Lord Glorified My Father YESANNA.i am not eligible to talk about Man OF MY GOD.AMEN.
I will praise the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
Psalm 146:2
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